
Showing posts from April, 2017


Some Thousand years back... Somewhere in this World... Many years ago, there was an island country. The native tribes used to live there. Their society was very much civilized and developed. They used to have one of the most powerful kings in the continent, King VIGA. The prime deity of the tribes were God RAAGA. King VIGA ordered the construction of a massive temple for the God RAAGA in the city capital MAPUT. The temple housed the God RAAGA. People were very happy with this initiative of the King. The business, education system etc. were also in good shape, along with the religious process. After some years, the King died and his next to next generation took charge of the Kingdom. That was the time when a great person named JAJAPA was born in the Kingdom. From childhood, he came to know about the tribal culture, his place and was very much attached to the God RAAGA. He was very much interested in the astronomical science from childhood. When he became young, he studied at a fam